vrijdag 20 mei 2011

Looking for an ambassador (fail)

Last month Geberit organized the contest ‘Beste Fitter van Nederland 2011’.
After five laps it was time for the final. The winner got great honor and won a price. However for Geberit it is really important that the winner become the ambassador of the contest and other marketing communication activities during the coming year.  
So, it is really important that the person who won the contest is suitable as an ambassador. Last year the contest was first held and then the right person won,  a charismatic and communicative person, so a real ambassador. However, the winner is chosen because of his plumber skills and not because of his communicative talent. On the other hand it is really important for Geberit that the winner is quite communicative, so he is a good ambassador for the contest. Therefore it was exciting to see who won this year. This year the winner is  a quiet person, a doer not a talker, not a real ambassador, so Geberit, what now?

zondag 1 mei 2011

‘Andre Rouvoet leaves politics- What will remain of his principles?’

This header on Nu.nl remind to other politicians who left the politics. Mostly, politicians has a lot of principles while they work in Den Haag. When they are in politics they stand for their principles and defend these in every possible way, however when they leave politics sometimes these principles disappear. One good example of this type of politicians is Thom de Graaf (D66)
Thom de Graaf had one great wish, a case for which he wanted to fight and that was the elected mayor. Not chosen by the queen, but the people should decide who the mayor is. Thom made a draft law, was every evening on television to show his plans and finally the government had to decide whether the law would be approved. Finally the law wasn’t approved and Thom de Graaf decided to leave the politics.
But what happened some months later?  The person who really fight for the elected mayor became mayor of Nijmegen. In contrast to his principles he was selected by the queen and not elected by the people. Did Thom change his mind, is it then better that the mayor has been elected by the queen?.....Did he need a job? Or was his principle, the case he fight for, not that important? In this perspective it is not strange that people lose their faith in politicians. They are able to change their views and principles completely in a couple of months.