maandag 21 maart 2011

Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)

Computer mediated communication is communication by the computer. Some examples of this type of communication are MSN, E-mail but also Dating-Sites and social network sites. Since internet became normal in every household and so everybody has access to these technologies our communication has changed. The good-old Face to Face communication now has to compete against all these computer types of communication. However, are these new communication technologies a step forward or backwards? Researchers developed different theory’s, some researches think face to face communication is still the best form of communication. Other researchers think that the computer mediated communication is the best form of communication.
In my opinion both types has their advantages and off course disadvantages. Face to Face communication is mostly verbal and non-verbal. Computer mediated communication is mostly text based communication and then it is only verbal communication, but the latest technologies made it possible to communicate non-verbal too (skype/webcam/sending pictures). By Face to Face communication it is possible to share more information in a shorter time, however 
research shows that people share more intimacy in computer mediated communication than in Face to Face communication. Two conflicting theories about computed mediated communication is the rich-get-richer theory and the poor-get-richer theory. People who communicate easy in Face to Face situations are helped by CMC and so, the richer people get richer. Other researches think that people who communicate not very ease in Face to Face situations are helped to communicate by CMC. In my opinion both of the theories are true. The rich will get richer, but also the poor will get richer because they can communicate anonymous, and only when they want to communicate and to people they want to communicate with.
Overall, I think CMC is a very useful type of communication what can help a lot of people to communicate to their friends and to new people. I would say it is a rich type of communication because of all its advantages. However, be careful because in several occasions people can swap their identity.

1 opmerking:

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of face-to-face communication compared to computer-mediated communication, according to the author's opinion? Regard Telkom University
